
20% discount coupon

  • 10th July 2019

Exclusive offer for new customers and existing customers:

20% discount on all new orders or renewal of pre-existing service. You can use the pre-pay discount code in the code-specific field, the code is from 10/7/2019 to 14/07/2019. Discount code below


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Change bank account data

  • 10th April 2019
Dear Customers:   Please note that we have changed the bank's previous bank account data and approved the new trading account approved under the name of Sunrise Hosting or SH HOSTING L.L.C. Please note the following during the receivables transfer process: 1- Bank Name: Bank Muscat 2. Account name: SH HOSTING L.L.C Account number: ...
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هام: يرجى عدم تحديث الووردبريس الى 5.0.2

  • 30th December 2018
عملائنا الكرام:    في الفترة الأخيرة ظهر تحديث جديد وهو الجيل الخامس لبرنامج الوردبريس الشهير. التحديث الجديد توجد به الكثير من الثغرات الأمنية مما يتسبب باختراق الموقع، عوضاً بأن التصاميم ...
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stop hosting forums

  • 22nd July 2018
Dear Customers: We would like to inform you that as of 01/01/2019 the hosting of unlicensed forums will be stopped. Existing customers have to update the forum system to the latest versions that were issued at least in 2016. The hosting of the forums was stopped after studying the status of the forums, especially the public forums and ...
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